Executive Coaching

“Success is having the freedom to be yourself.”

— Kathy Kolbe

Take a strengths-based assessment and you’ll learn who you are.

Take a strengths-based assessment and hire a coach and you’ll transform into who you want to become.

  • A high performer

  • A confident leader

  • A present parent

Together we will redesign your work and life to align with your strengths and your priorities.

Program Includes:

  • Strengths Awareness

    Using Kolbe Indexes, we'll identify how your strengths are your greatest superpower and, when not managed well, could also be your kryptonite.

  • Your WHY

    Identify your primary drivers for work and tap into them to experience more joy and fulfillment.

    These are the beliefs that keep you going when you want to give up.

  • Productivity

    Your Kolbe offers many clues to why you keep avoiding certain tasks and what you can do instead to improve your productivity.

  • Responsive Coaching

    You have access to me between sessions to share files, track action plans and extend our conversation.

    Clients say these exchanges double (at least) the value they receive.

You’ll have access to some of the most advanced tools in human behavior analytics available.

Using the Kolbe A™ Index and iPEC’s 7 Levels of Energy, we’ll identify how you naturally contribute and how to maximize your potential.

Lasting Solutions. Exponential Results

Coaching Program

  • You’ll understand:

    • How you contribute at your highest level

    • Why some tasks drain you

    • What’s getting in the way

    And use that to:

    • Articulate your strengths to others

    • Decide what to outsource

    • Create a Career you love

  • Investment for this Program is $850.


    • Six, 50-minute sessions

    • Kolbe A Index, a strengths-based assessment ($55 value)

    • Access to me between sessions through an online platform

    • Worksheets and Resources

  • To meet me and get your questions answered, book a complimentary 25-minute call here.

  • You’ll benefit from my career journey:

    As a Kolbe Certified™ Specialist: Explain how your natural strengths affect job fit

    As a Certified Professional Coach: Serve as your thinking partner to unlock your potential

    As a Journalist: Strong writing and editing skills for resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile

    As a Teacher: Knows how to motivate and inform without creating overwhelm

    As a Parent of three young-adult children: Guides, not directs

    As a Digital Marketer: Develop your personal brand and share your story.

    As a Business Owner: Keep you strategically focused on the next best step